Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit
Help in the moment – whenever that moment may be.

There is staff on-site to address a crisis 24 hours per day.
Regional Health Systems Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit accepts all walk-ins, and provides a dedicated location for ambulance, fire, and police drop-offs of those experiencing a behavioral health and/or substance use related crisis.
If you or someone you know is currently experiencing thoughts of suicide, or a mental health or substance use crisis, please call or text 988 to reach Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and speak with a trained crisis specialist 24/7.

In times of need, we’re right where you need us
Many Hoosiers suffer a behavioral health or substance use crisis, and sadly many don’t know where to turn.
Thankfully, Regional Health Systems Crisis C.A.R.E Unit is opening more doors to crisis care so those in need have more options. In fact, we are implementing a “No Wrong Door” approach to care, which means any individual in crisis will be welcomed and supported with the right care – regardless of if you come to us through the Emergency Room, a community organization, law enforcement, or a self-referral.
We know that an essential part of getting through a crisis is having the right support systems in place. Our innovative, community-driven approach offers just that by giving you someone to contact, someone to respond to you, and a safe place to go for help. Not only does this allow you to receive the full benefit of services you need to overcome your crisis, it also gives you the long-term support necessary to improve your overall health, and in turn, your overall quality of life.
Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit Offers
Partnership with 988
to help Lake County residents access immediate behavioral health crisis stabilization.
Specialized Staffing
includes access to a crisis staff and Certified Recovery Specialist (CRS), as well as an on-site therapist and nurse for in-person assessment and intervention.
Living Room Model Unit
a specialized setting using a client-centered, trauma approach where those in crisis can be invited to stay for up to 23 hours while participating in physical and behavioral health screening
Subacute Crisis Stabilization Services
offers a peer-supported program that links patients in need of long-term stabilization to essential services
Privacy and Safety Measures
allows patients access to relaxation rooms, and ensures a trauma informed, Zero Suicide Academy influenced, and client-centered approach for all individuals.